Contents tagged with foliar diseases

7 October 2021

Symptoms of the key foliar and corm diseases of cyclamen, and gain an appreciation of pathogen biology.

25 November 2021

This Factsheet provides information on the leaf-spot disease of hebe caused by a Stemphylium species, it also provides information on Septoria leaf spot and other foliar diseases affecting the crop. It should assist in their accurate identification and help in the implementation of appropriate control measures.

17 February 2022

This factsheet provides guidance on how to minimise losses by the various key foliar diseases of roses (including lack spot, downy mildew, powdery mildew and rust) by good nursery hygiene, avoidance of environmental conditions favourable for disease development and by appropriate fungicide treatment.

24 November 2022

Find information on the biology and symptoms of leaf scorch in narcissus.
